Lost property
We have a number of items of lost property found at the festival.
Please contact Helen Matthews on 01462 638 068 or volunteers@rotw.org.uk if you believe we may have something that belongs to you.
Posted: 18-July-06
Make Some Noise
Free music workshops at Rhythms of the World 2006
ROTW 2006 will be running a number of music workshops for people of all ages, giving you the chance to both learn from and play with some of the inspirational musicians who will be on stage at the Festival.
Workshops with Neuneneu, Dulsori and a Percussion workshop will allow visitors to interact with the artists and music at the festival
Please note that booking is essential
Find out more here
Posted: 12-July-06
2006 poster available
The Rhythms of the World 2006 is out now and will be appearing all over Hitchin and North Herts very soon.
You can download a copy for yourself here
Posted: 5-July-06
Road closures
As part of our commitment to health and safety the following roads in Hitchin will be closed for some or all of the festival weekend
Portmill Lane, including both car parks from 6:00pm
on Friday 14th July until 11.59pm on Sunday 16th July
Bucklersbury, the South side of Market Place and Sun Street
from 0:01am on Saturday 15th July until 11:59pm on Sunday 16th July
High Street and the East side of Market Place from 12
noon on Friday 14th July until 11:59pm on Sunday 16th July
Brand Street from the junction with Paynes Park to the Junction
with the High Street from 0:01am on Saturday 15th July until
11:59pm on Sunday 16th July
Bancroft from the junction with the High Street to the junction
with Hermitage from 0:01am on Saturday 15th July until 11:59pm
on Sunday 16th July
If you are planning to travel to the festival, please read the important travel information here.
Posted: 5-July-06
Festival programmes on sale
Programmes cost £1 and are available over the festival weekend form our programme sellers and in advance in Hitchin from:
- Club 85
- Hitchin Initiative
- Harvest Moon
- CD Heaven
- Sir John Barleycorn
- The Nightingale
- The Drinkstop
- The Hair Shop
- Molly Malones
- Merryfields
- The Half Moon
- The Sunrunner
- David's Music
Posted: 21-June-06
Latest newsletter out now
The latest edition of the Rhythms of the World newsletter is out now.
You can pick up a copy from many outlets in Hitchin and North Herts and also download it here.
Posted: 8-June-06
Open day - Help make Rhythms 2006 the best ever
With this year's Rhythms of the World festival only a few weeks away there are still many ways you can help make this years festival the best ever.
One of the most important aspects of the Festival is safe and effective stewarding - man and woman power on the streets helping, supporting, giving out information, maintaining emergency exists, manning road closures and helping Mums and Dads find their lost offspring!
If you're interested, come along to the Market Place Stall on Saturday 3rd June 2006 for a chat. You'll find us in Hitchin Market Place between 11.00am to 3.00pm. See you there.
Take a look at all the other jobs we need people to do at the festival and throughout the year here and let us know if you can help.
If you can't make it on 3rd June please call Helen on 01462 638 068 or email volunteers@rotw.org.uk
Posted: 31-May-06
Thank you — Rhythms Fundraisers get better and better
Rhythms of the World would like to say a big thank you to Matt Oakman and Owen Stephen for tremendous job they've done in organizing another fantastically successful fundraising gig for Rhythms at Club 85. Their efforts raised a massive another £1760 for this years festival.
Thanks Fruition, Cool Ethan, The Otters, Page Against the Machine, Violer Martinez and Ardent Kicks who all put in stunning performances and to all you everyone who came and to those that couldn't get in!
Posted: 1-May-06
The Rhythms Code launched
Rhythms of the World is organize entirely by volunteers from your community. Please show your support for all these people by following the Rhythms Code.
The Rhythms Code
1. Enjoy the unusual, each day of the festival
2. Respect the town of Hitchin for hosting the festival
3. Take personal responsibility for your rubbish
4. Do not bring glass with you into the town
5. Show your appreciation
6. Leave your car at home
Posted: 1-May-06
Spring time - Suzie, a bit of silk and a Cessna!
Suzie Hankey, our children’s area co-ordinator, will be doing a parachute jump at Cranfield on 5th April to raise money in support of the ROTW Children’s area at Bancroft Gardens. If she is prepared to float like a butterfly from 2000 feet then at the very least she wants to sting you for a small donation for such a good cause. If you can spare the odd pound or two then please pledge your support by emailing, phoning or sending a donation to the addresses below. Even if by the time you've read this she has jumped already, you can still send her a donation in support. Monies raised will go towards the organization and costs of putting on the children’s area, but if she raises a fortune your donation could also go to supporting the wider Festival once the Children’s areas costs are covered.
To support Suzie please contact her via her email -
gingernutski@hotmail.co.uk or send your donations c/o PO Box 121, Hitchin, Herts, SG5 2WB
Posted: 23-March-06
Open Day - Get involved
Are you interested in getting involved with Rhythms of the World? Then come along to the Market Place Stall on Saturday 8th April 2006 for a chat, info, and buy one of the last ROTW T Shirts!
Take a look at what we need people to do and let us know if you can help. See our vacancies.
You'll find us in Hitchin Market Place between 11.00am to 3.00pm. See you there.
Posted: 23-March-06
Thank you — The most successful Rhythms benefit gig ever
A great big shout goes out to Matt and Owen of Black Peppeur for pulling together the Rhythms of the World 2006 benefit gig, to Boom in the Diamond Industry, My Pet Junkie, Ormost Ordinary, The Rocketeers and Plack Peppeur for their stunning performances, and to all you wonderful people who came and to those that couldn't get in!
We raised a massive £1535 for this years festival so WELL DONE and thanks from all the Rhythms of the World committee.
Bob Mardon
Posted: 10-February-06