ROTW 2008 Performers
AARAN GILES Chill-out and relax with an intimate unplugged session from Aaron Giles; young singer songwriter from Letchworth. Aaron always performs a great set, guaranteed to feature a few favourites! Sponsored by The Hertfordshire Music Service. www.myspace.com/aarangilesuk
ACARA Acara are based in Cambridge and Huntingdon and sing and play for festivals, ceilidhs, weddings and pub sessions. They share a passion for Celtic music particularly traditional Irish music.
ADAM WILLIAMS Downtempo blissed out sounds from guest DJ Adam Williams www.bluntbeats.com
AGENT M Classic sunshine soul, funk and hip hop beats. SUN - Laid back sounds to send you home with a smile. www.bluntbeats.com
ALEX HOLMES 17 year old singer-songwriter Alex composed and wrote her first song at aged nine. Her style has evolved into a mix of Nu Soul and Jazz. www.myspace.com/al3xholmes
ALTER EGO DANCE CO. Creative Hip Hop dance crew performing works choreographed by Director Brendan Hansford, Leanne Hall and Shelley Newman. Herts based with courses running all over the county Alter Ego will also be showcasing the youth crew in their first ever public performance. www.alteregodance.com
ARABADA Arabada is a collective of producers and vocalists from London who play live organic and improvisational drum 'n' bass- occasionally delving into dubstep and funk www.myspace.com/arabada
AYLA SCHAFER This resounding and emotive songstress is spellbinding. Her blend of strife and serenity, politics and peace and her enchanting vocal prowess compels the heart and evokes the soul. Currently playing round the South West, her beautifully haunting sounds are simply unmissable. www.myspace.com/aylaschafermusic
BAMBOO CEDAR OAK www.seventhwavemusic.co.uk
BARON STUDIO SOUND Roots Culture and Dubwise
BAYOU SECO See featured artists www.bayouseco.com
BILL LENNON The guitarist/singer takes time out from tribute bands The Counterfeit Stones and All Simon to fingerpick some blues classics along with a selection of his own laid back self-penned songs www.myspace.com/billlennon
See featured artist www.myspace.com/billycobhamandasere
BLACK DAWN Rock/Blues band with melodic female vocals performing a mixture of original and classic material. Black Dawn are an exciting live band who will grip you from start to finish. Not one member is over 16 and they have considerable gigging experience for such a young band!
Sponsored by The Hertfordshire Music Service.
BLONDE LOUIS Blonde Louis are a young indie/pop band from Letchworth. Aged between 15-17 years old they are creating a stir on the local scene. www.myspace.com/blondelouis
BLOOM BLOOM are a band whose music is epic with vast shifts in mood, ranging from soft and delicate to sheer bouts of angst and rage with Zeppelinesque beats and U2's pop ethic. www.myspace.com/bloomonline
BLUE ANGEL MAJORETTES Co-ordinated marching and more, to great stirring music……weeks and months of discipline, rehearsals and competitions make Blue Angel a talented and very special group of young people ….a great spectacle and a must to see……….don’t miss this performance !!
BLUES AGENTS Celebrating 18 years together the Blues Agents continue to thrill audiences around Europe with their inspired renditions of classic tunes by artists including BB King- Stevie Ray Vaughan and John Mayall. Ben Smith- (guitar) Ross Sharples (bass) and Martin Wild (drums) are three musicians who spontaneously combine idiom- genre and groove with unforced perfection taking the audience on a dynamics roller coaster! If you enjoy blues music then sit back for 45mins and enjoy the ride! You can contact the band on 01462 431413 or [email protected] www.bluesagents.com
BLUNT BEATS FAMILY Start of both days: The Blunt Beats residents and guests in back-to-back session to warm up the sound system! End of Saturday: The Blunt Beats crew take to the stage to finish off the day with a back-to-back set of summer stormers. www.bluntbeats.com
BOLLYWOOD DANCE with FLEXIT DANCE ACADEMY Local students aged 7 to 17 years dance routines to Hindi- Bhangra and Street music. The students learn styles of dance from modern contemporary to traditional Bollywood, gaining confidence and empowerment. For more info go to the website or call NHMEF 01462 440224 www.flexitdanceacademy.co.uk
BOOM IN THE DIAMOND INDUSTRY Boom are six pieces- two guitars, one bass, many voices, drums, keys and a tambourine. Their mission- to create positive tunes that make you move www.myspace.com/boominthediamondindustry
BOSSK Traveling on the border between atmospheric toned down rock, post rock and heavier and more aggressive metal this UK band has created beautiful melodies balanced with a more powerful and hard line edge. www.myspace.com/bossk
BRIGANTE Briganté are indie rock and roll with lashings of funk rock. Their live set brings maturity and composure accompanied with the energy. www.myspace.com/brigantemusic
BUDDHIST MONKS Buddhist Chanting is a harmonious Blessing which has enormous potential to enrich all the Rhythms (energies) in the Universe with Universal Compassion when it chants with deep concentration and understanding. The Monks come to us from Letchworth Dhamma Nikethanaya. www.letchworthbuddhism.com
CHRIS PHILLIPS From his first gig back in April 2007 supporting Scouting For Girls, Chris has played more and more shows including last years ROTW. 2008 has seen Chris playing the local area- getting into London and supporting Kid Harpoon and Jack McManus. www.myspace.com/phillipsak
CHRIS RIPPLE Poet- founder member of Bass Relief. Gig promote, secretary of Parnassus Performance and compere of the Arcadeclectic Stage. Add some (humourous) confrontation to your day... www.myspace.com/chrisrippleparnassus
COVENANT PRAISE CHURCH CHOIR Members of this Hitchin based church enjoy the vibrant expression of their faith, singing and performing in a contemporary gospel style. The band includes 9 year old drummer Morgan Simpson. www.covenantpraisechurch.org
CRANE BROTHERS Using chopping guitars with a powerful brass section- The Brothers serve up a fresh blend of ska- indie and a generous twist of northern soul. www.myspace.com/cranebrothers
D M S AND THE KRAZE! LISTEN UP! Where Punk meets Ska, where Indie meets Soul. It's time to get your groove on..... This is DMS and The Kraze! www.myspace.com/darrenmichelangelosmith
DANNY CLUSO Your host for the weekend on the Main Stage.
DAVE HOUSE S. Londoner Dave House has had a couple of albums to his name and has spent a good portion of his life so far in transit vans travelling the UK and beyond www.myspace.com/davehouse
DAVID SQUIRES David Squires ex-television weatherman turned poet gives you a zany look at historical events in monologue form. Might be a bit of serious stuff too.
DECADES Decades weave musical story books with a wistful and beautiful twist. Eclectic instrumentation and passion for a good ‘ol sing song help to forge the unique and independent sound reminiscent of The Arcade Fire, Wilco or Sufjan Stevens. www.myspace.com/decadesaudio
DINKY DANCERS These classes develop children’s physical, creative and musical skills through original, structured and exciting dance and P.E based activity. Exciting classes for boys and girls aged 2-4 years old are running throughout Hitchin, Letchworth and Baldock and you can also find us in nurseries, children’s centres, and pre-school settings where we offer a fantastic Sure Start curriculum based course.
If you would like to come along and find out more: Lorry Slater 01438 831281 www.dinkydancers.com
DIVA DISMANTLED Following her sell out performance in Arlesey in May this popular Hitchin housewife and international diva will entertain with opera- pop- and comic songs from her long and varied career. Sponsored by The John Lewis Partnership
DONELLIE Donellie - an acoustic duet. Two well known local artists, Ellie (The Funky Monks) and Donna Mackay. They perform a mixture of originals and covers that are both energetic, rhythmic and memorable. www.myspace.com/donnaandellie
DOUG SAT - Future funk, soul and global hip hop jams.
SUN - Nu-jazz, broken beat and electric samba blended for the summer sun. www.bluntbeats.com
EBONY MAJORETTES Are you interested in making new friends, keeping fit, learning new skills and having fun? If so come and join Ebony Majorettes. For information see www.ebonymajorettes.co.uk See us on Saturday and Sunday at the opening of The Arena
ELECTRONICA VERONICA Electronic rock quartet from Letchworth. Featuring club anthem keyboards over a dynamic funk/rock outfit; there's nothing aggressive about EV, just a dance busting extravaganza! Sponsored by The Hertfordshire Music Service.
EN FUEGO See Featured Artists www.enfuego.co.uk
ERBALIST SAT - Funk, Soul, Ska and tunes to tap your feet to. SUN - Solid Funk and groovy tunes www.bluntbeats.com
EVE KILLIP Eve's work stems from daily experience. She tries to see the quirky message in things and some things are more quirky than others.
EXIT AVENUE (acoustic) Returning from a summer tour Exit Avenue play a one off acoustic set featuring old favourites and brand new material. Not to be missed. www.myspace.com/exitavenue
FAMILY GOSPEL CHOIR PROJECT Elaine Simpson ran a 4 week evening class where students learned gospel songs through the years in a fun and energetic environment.
Sponsored by Hertfordshire Music Service. www.hertsmusicservice.org.uk
FRANCESCA MUSIK Folk influenced acoustic duo with guitars- voices and other things. No baked beans! www.myspace.com/causeofaction
FRUITION Having supported The View- Larrikin Love- The Rifles and The Holloways- Fruition are staging a revolution- taking great pleasure in giving their music to the masses. www.myspace.com/fruition
GARETH LLOYD & KELLY BETTS The presenters of BBC Introducing- the Friday evening show on BBC 3 Counties Radio will be your hosts on the Phill Friendly Stage for the weekend. www.bbc.co.uk/threecounties/introducing
GIDEON CONN See Featured Artists www.myspace.com/gideonconn
GRACIOUS DEEDS Roots Rock Reggae Fusion Band - 5 Voices- 2 Saxes and a groove that could put a gorilla's bottom to shame. Jah Love - Love Jah www.myspace.com/graciousdeeds
GRAEME LLOYD The poet and film maker returns with a new selection of poems written from a slightly sideways point of view.
GRANT MEABY Grant Meaby is a poet who blends astute observation with barbed wit- often making you stop and think. Has Mr Angry mellowed? I don't think so!
GUILDEAN GANG Guildean Gang, a four piece band combining a range of eclectic influences.They have a zest for the live arena and have taken London by Storm. www.myspace.com/guildeangang
GUZHENG - CHINESE ZITHER Guzheng is a Chinese classical music instrument that was invented over 2500 year ago. A member of the zither family- with a wooden sound box and steel strings covered with silk or Nylon- each string is supported by the bridge and played with a plectrum.
HERB Ska- Rocksteady and summertime Reggae
HITCHIN BLADES See some of our members displaying their fencing skills and have the opportunity to mask up and perhaps parry and thrust with other members of the Rhythms audience…….you may just love this very competitive, dashing and classic duelling skill. Why not talk to one of the team about joining…..it’s a great way to keep fit both in body and mind.
HOWLIN' WOLF LINE DANCING Howling Wolves are a local Line Dance club that meet two nights a week with classes at various levels. We meet on Monday evenings at Strathmore nursery & infant school from 7pm 'til 8pm and on Thursdays from 7pm 'til 8pm and Little Wymondley infant school.Come along and see us and if there's time...maybe join in.....yeehaaa !! www.howlingwolves.co.uk
INSERT HERE Experimental rock trio - soft- comforting melodies- ear throbbing bass and exceptionally good comical vocal work. An absolute definite for novice samba dancers looking for a good boogie. We're Insert Here! Sponsored by Hertfordshire Music Service. www.myspace.com/insertheremusics
J Chilled Electronica and laid back Sunday afternoon beats. www.acidskiffle.tk
JACO PLANN AKA PRIMROSE CHAMBERS Experienced performers from the north Herts gig cricuit. ‘Jaco Plann' splice Jimi Hendrix with The Red Hot Chilli Peppers to create a Rock/Funk/Rap monster ready to take on any stage! A must see band! Sponsored by The Hertfordshire Music Service. www.myspace.com/primrosechambers
JANES SCHOOL OF DANCING Come along and see our Hip - Hop / freestyle and disco dancing ... join in and why not join the club ... we have great fun.
JM JUDO KWAI Started activities in December of 1985, and has thrived on a family atmosphere, where new members always welcome, and will be performing our black belt Judo skills on Saturday and Sunday at the Arena.
JOSE VANDERS I don't take things seriously. I believe everything happens for a reason. I like drinking tea. I like driving with the windows down www.myspace.com/vandersmusic
JOY T. CHANCE and co-host of the Arcadeclectic Stage for both days. ....a force to be reckoned with just don't mention the R word (RAIN) Joy T Chance takes you on an exciting journey of Sun, Music and Laughter.
JACO PLANN AKA PRIMROSE CHAMBERS Experienced performers from the north Herts gig cricuit. ‘Jaco Plann' splice Jimi Hendrix with The Red Hot Chilli Peppers to create a Rock/Funk/Rap monster ready to take on any stage! A must see band! Sponsored by The Hertfordshire Music Service. www.myspace.com/primrosechambers
JANES SCHOOL OF DANCING Come along and see our Hip - Hop / freestyle and disco dancing ... join in and why not join the club ... we have great fun.
JM JUDO KWAI Started activities in December of 1985, and has thrived on a family atmosphere, where new members always welcome, and will be performing our black belt Judo skills on Saturday and Sunday at the Arena.
JOSE VANDERS I don't take things seriously. I believe everything happens for a reason. I like drinking tea. I like driving with the windows down www.myspace.com/vandersmusic
JOY T. CHANCE co-host of the Arcadeclectic Stage for both days. ....a force to be reckoned with just don't mention the R word (RAIN) Joy T Chance takes you on an exciting journey of Sun, Music and Laughter.
KELTRIX Keltrix are a fresh and feisty five piece formed in March 2006. They regulary stir their audiences into a happy frenzy with a lively sound that defies pigeon holing. www.myspace.com/keltrix
KID ID Since 2006 Kid iD's line up of drums, bass, guitar, trumpet, trombone, djembe, percussion, violin, cello and a bucket load of vocals have been instigating rhythmic bodily writhing in venues across the UK. http://www.myspace.com/kidid
KELTRIX Keltrix are a fresh and feisty five piece formed in March 2006. They regulary stir their audiences into a happy frenzy with a lively sound that defies pigeon holing. www.myspace.com/keltrix
KID ID Since 2006 Kid iD's line up of drums, bass, guitar, trumpet, trombone, djembe, percussion, violin, cello and a bucket load of vocals have been instigating rhythmic bodily writhing in venues across the UK. http://www.myspace.com/kidid
LAZY HABITS Lazy Habits are a feast of Beats, Rhymes and Brass. A full nine piece band including MC's and one of the UK's finest beatboxers WanDan. www.myspace.com/lazyhabits
LETCHWORTH LADIES RFC “Who said you don't have to be gorgeous to play in a Ladies Rugby Team". Come and support our gorgeous ladies playing Tag Rugby at the Arena. If you are a lady and would like to join our club just ask one of the attendants or stewards at the Arena. Great fun, great sport, great way to keep fit!"
LIAM JENKINS Soulful acoustic music from this up and coming local troubadour. Powerful melodies, great songs and strong energy bring a fresh face to this classic format.
LIKA SHARPS Lika Sharps are an unconventional three piece acoustic band influenced by pop- folk and punk featuring Jon Thurlow (Chron Gen/Scum of Toytown) Graham Brierton (Horse) and Jo Taylor.
LINE AND A DOT Line and a dot is a girl singing sad folk / pop songs about boats- rocks- trains and love hearts. www.myspace.com/abovethevaultedsky
LOOK SEE PROOF See Featured Artists www.myspace.com/lookseeproof
MAI PEN RAI Ex-soldier, traveler, aid worker. A complete newbie as regards to stand up. Wide range of subjects from comedy to war.
MARCUS G HURLEY SAT - Funky and Soulful party breaks to set the mood for the day. SUN - Funk, Soul and Blues classics" www.bluntbeats.com
MASSUKOS www.massukos.com
MATT AND OWEN Ltd The Topical Tropical Acoustic Duo are a couple of fun loving guys that just love to rock out and sing songs. Expect sandals and scandals from Hitchin’s friendliest outfit.
MATTY J Funk, Reggae, Soul summer sounds.
MIDNIGHT MOTH Purely studio based until last year the project works as an outlet for ideas, conceptual or otherwise. It's motivation is to explore the spontaneity and ethereality of music.
MOR KARBASI BAND www.mintakamusic.com
MUNTJAC Vs STAG COLLECTIVE New Letchworth duo Muntjac are Al (gtr/voc) and Hatch (double bass/vocal). Muntjac play sparse, rhythmically based songs that are at times upbeat and at other times more melancholic. Muntjac will be joined on stage by the Stag Collective. On this occasion the collective will feature: Sukhi Rayat (tabla /percussion), Dave (brass n the gang) and Ciaran (percussion). www.myspace.com/muntjacsound
MY FIRST TOOTH “Simultaneously rough and delicate MFT make music that’ll quietly ravage your heart then give it a gentle stroke better. Killer pretty stuff” Marsha Shandur XFM www.myspace.com/myfirsttooth
MY PASSION www.myspace.com/mypassionmusic
MY PET JUNKIE Fronted by solo performer Stuart O'Connor MPJ's blending of the beautiful and bizarre culminates in complex songs, rich harmonies and electronic soundscapes. www.myspace.com/mypetjunkie
No.1 STATION See Featured Artists www.myspace.com/no1station
NORTH HERTS AMATEUR BOXING CLUB Talk to Wayne Armstrong of Hitchin Gym and get details of the fine art of traditional boxing. Those taking up this noble sport will create new skills for themselves, learning self protection as well as becoming fit in mind body and soul. See our demonstrations nd come along to the gym to see what it's all about !!
NORTHERN FRISK Northern Frisk are a three piece band that plays early folk music inc works by Dowland, Monteverdi, French Polkas and 16th century dances from Cheshire.
OPERA2GO Two stunning sopranos Wendy Brennan and Christine Bunning will present a programme of ravishing arias and duets from the much loved operas of Handel, Purcel, Mozart and Puccini. Sponsored by The John Lewis Partnership
PAPAPHONE Papaphone with members from Fuzzy Lumpkins. Play 60s style of uplifting stoner folk Portishead meets Fleetwood Mac at The Small Faces house www.myspace.com/papaphone
PARISIAN SWING Gypsy Jazz in the style of Django Reinhardt and The Hot Club of France. The line up is two guitars, double bass and violin. www.parisianswing.com
PATTAKA An explosive fusion of Bhanga and Western music. The band is headed by Manjit, a prominent local singer and 6 others members. They will be accompanied by Desi Essence" for this performance.
PETE MCALLEN Pete McAllen is one of those singer songwriters that makes you sit up and listen. Alongside Pete’s growing UK fan base he has started to pick up a firm international following after touring Poland, Kenya & Dubai. www.myspace.com/petemcallen
PETER AMOAH Through experiments with sound this local acoustic player has developed his own funky/ bluesy style.
PETER CONWAY Blues rock with gritty vocals and just signed to Decca Records. Definitely one to watch. www.myspace.com/peterconwaymusic
PRESS TO CONTINUE Energetic ska-punk band who are serious about having fun and don't take themselves seriously, with ska rhythms and punky choruses just dance like no-one is watching! www.myspace.com/presstocontinue
PROLIFIK Hip-Hop-tastic turntablism from our Scottish guest. www.bluntbeats.com
PYROPHILIA - FIRE FIRE FIRE Each year after Rhythms, once you're safe in your beds, our local fireflies light up. This year we decided to let them loose in the arena.... so you can all see them play! Coordinated by and with Alight Fingers and Bamboozle. You'll find more details at www.alightfingers.com or bam.boozle.me.uk www.alightfingers.com
RAFAEL AND FRIENDS FLAMENCO www.myspace.com/rafaelnfriends
RAINMAKERS INTERNATIONAL The group was founded in 1976 to learn and enjoy dances from all over the world. We meet most Fridays in Letchworth and welcome new members. We look forward to meeting old and new friends at the Rhythms Festival. www.Rainmakers.org
REV MICHAEL RODEN Your host for the weekend on the St Mary's Stage. www.stmaryshitchin.org.uk
RHYTHMS OF CONTEMPORARY BRITISH JAZZ See Featured Artists www.myspace.com/rcbj8
RICHARD STARK AND ANDREW HUBBARD Violinist Andrew studied with Olivier Messiaen at the Royal Academy of Music and vocalist Richard trained at Trinity College of Music. Now, by public demand, they're back! www.richardstark.co.uk www.andrewhubbard.com
RICHARDS TRAMPOLINE CLUB We have venues in Stevenage, Letchworth and Sandy. We are affiliated with British Gymnastics and have gained GymMark Status, so we’re officially recognised as being a safe, effective and child friendly club. We cater for all ages from 6 years to adult, from beginners up to National performers. We operate an award scheme and regularly enter competitions. www.richardstrampolineclub.com
ROADRUNNER 6 Piece Young Blues Rock n' Roll Band who released their debut album in October 2007. Available now in CD Heaven, Churchyard, Hitchin www.myspace.com/roadrunneronline
ROD THOMAS Since leaving a traditional band set up and using a loop pedal to make what's been called “folk disco" Rod Thomas’s live following has boomed. Mixing folk roots with disco beats and pop melodies his songs will make you smile, dance and even think a little bit. www.myspace.com/rodthomasmusic
ROSALITA Five guys making fun music. They opened the Channel 4 stage at V2007 after winning the ’Road To V’. Released their debut ’Manga Girl’ in Nov 2007. www.myspace.com/rosalitaband
ROSEMARIE'S LINE DANCING Hi y'all! We'll be clicking our heels and slapping our thighs to the great sounds of country music ... Why not watch for a while and then join in ... we'll be pleased to see you! You can join the club and yeehaa to your hearts content. It's not as easy as we make it look but when you can do it, its great great fun!
ROYSTON JONES A culmination of influences combine forming a dynamic alternative to current pop music. The Jones boys blend better than cookies and cream. Don't miss it! www.myspace.com/roystonjonesband
ROYSTON TOWN LADIES FOOTBALL Formed in 1998 Royston Town Ladies currently play in the Eastern Region Women's Football League. Experienced players welcome to join a fun and competitive team. Contact Gail Barlow on 01763 243995.
RUBBER DUCK Truly international band formed in Oxford, playing groove based brew of funk, dub, rock, electro and what they call pseaudojazz. Bring your dancing shoes! www.myspace.com/rubberduckband
SAM ISAAC & FULL BAND See Featured Artists www.myspace.com/samisaac
SANDRA LADY SAXOPHONIST Sandra plays some great music from her album called “She'll Blow Your Mind With Jazz In Blues” and which features 8 tracks of her own dynamic compositions. www.myspace.com/sandragrant
SCREAM! SHOUT! SAY NOTHING Passionate, emotive, ambient post-hardcore from North Herts. Their debut album produced by Hell is for Heroes' Will McGonagle is out this month (July) on Scylla Records. www.myspace.com/screamshoutsaynothing
SHAPES Shapes are keeping the high5 alive with gritty edged indie rock. Gaining a fierce reputation for their sweaty energetic live performances not to be missed. www.myspace.com/shapesuk
SHIROBON! A teenager from London that makes fast paced electronic music on gameboys. This music shows a huge influence in videogame type music but is far more exciting www.myspace.com/shirobonmusic
SIR WALTER J. WALLIS Your host for the weekend on the Willow Stage. www.myspace.com/sirwalterjwallis
SKIES OF UNTIL An easy ambient listening melodic 3 piece from Hitchin. 'Dual guitars and airy vocals create a relaxed ambience that fits between romantic and haunting' www.myspace.com/skiesofuntil
SPIKED A 4 piece all girl rock/punk outfit from Hitchin. Rock riffs, punk bass, pulsating drums and stage dramatics with a touch of colour equals bopping crowds. www.myspace.com/spikedmusic
STANZA Stanza is a 17 year old female hip-hop rapper from Hitchin. She will be familiar to Rhythms of the World audiences and has always had a great response from the crowd. This year she will be performing her latest songs from her new album. www.myspace.com/stanza222
STAPLERS COUNTRY DANCERS Come along and see the Staplers at ROTW on Saturday and Sunday at The Arena. Staplers are a friendly group of people who enjoy dancing traditional folk dances. Everyone is welcome with or without a partner. We meet most Mondays at St John's Community Centre, Hitchin. Come along and chat to us at The Arena. We look forward to seeing you! www.staplers.org.uk
STUART O'CONNOR BAND Stuart is touring out his 2nd Album 'The Distance from Here'. Stuart was nominated by BBC 3 Counties Radio to play ROTW this year www.myspace.com/stuartoconnor
SUKHI RAYAT'S TABLA RHYTHMS This will see the return of Sukhi Rayat with a group of his students who will demonstrate some traditional Tabla Beats. Sukhi has been performing at ROTW ever since the first ever one. Once again he will introduce some new musicians this year who are learning these complex drums. Welcome back Sukhi.
TABEEYA RAQS SHARQI EGYPTIAN DANCE Tabeeya's interest and expertise is in the traditional and classical dances of Egypt. However they are also active in exploring evolving dance forms and fusion music. www.tabeeya.co.uk
TARIQ KHAN, LEGACY www.legacymusicuk.com
THE BEAT MARAS The Beat Màras came to life through meeting friends of friends. Described as sounding something between the BRMC meets the Doors round the Babyshambles House... their sound continues to impress..... www.myspace.com/thebeatmaras
THE BROADCAST Are a synth based pop/rock four piece from North Herts playing songs combining raw intensity with a strong sense of melody. Look out for these guys making waves in 2008 www.myspace.com/thebroadcast5
THE DAVID MAPP QUINTET Sponsored by The University of Hertfordshire www.uhrlabel.com
THE DISPLAY TEAM PHILL FRIENDLY STAGE Saturday 9.00pm The Display Team play a progressive mix of genres best described as the best bits of Frank Zappa, Beach Boys, Mad Caddies and Mr Bungle in one big musical explosion. www.myspace.com/thedisplayteam
THE FACTION Wasteland, wilderness and space are watchwords for the end times... The writing is in graffiti. It is written on the walls. Think in graffiti. www.myspace.com/militarysurplusrdf
THE FLOOR 9 BAND Think Pink Floyd, folk it up a bit then put on a chill-out hat = Floor 9. Twin guitars, flute, vocals..... www.myspace.com/floor9band
THE GANG SHOW “Riding along on the crest of a wave" ... up to 90 young people from Cubs to Scouts, Brownies to Guides putting on a great variety performance. Come along to the show and sing along and get your children enrolled in one of the many groups around the region. Producer David Strong.
THE HITCHIN ALLSTAR CHOIR An acappella choir who sing vibrant and stirring songs from various parts of the world plus wonderful original arrangements of pop, soul and jazz. You'll know some of the songs and may want to sing along!
THE MONTGOMERY MUSIC MAKERS 4 Piece band consistiing of stand up bass, steel guitar, lead and rhythm guitars playing a mixture of raw fused rockabilly and dirty untamed country rock dateing back to the early 50s. www.myspace.com/themontgomerymusicmakers
THE N.P.W./CHRIS RIPPLE EXPERIENCE When two minds crack and two attitudes collide you are left with one chord and the scream. www.nuzzprowlinwolf.blogspot.com
THE OCTOBER GAME The October Game is the collision of different minds becoming one for the sole purpose of creating wonderfully eclectic and heartfelt music carrying intricate and poetic lyrics www.myspace.com/theoctobergame
THE OTTER’S (UNPLUGGED) After their Spring break the Otters return with an unplugged show. Its hard to describe, but if you like sensitive songs, wistfully played incorporating elements of Jazz, Funk and Salsa then come and watch. The Otters will take great pleasure in offending you. www.myspace.com/thedttersband
THE PHETTZ The Phettz are a young 4 piece indie band with great potential, going from strength to strength with catchy, insistent guitar hooks, a pounding beat and shout back vocals. www.myspace.com/thephettz
THE POCKET GODS Discovered in 2005 by John Peel who championed their psychedelic punk pop songs. Current faves of BBC Radio 1 and Radio 6. www.myspace.com/thepocketgods
THE RADARS PHILL FREINDLY STAGE Sunday 2.30pm A three piece from Hatfield influenced by Green Day, Queen and The Arctic Monkeys. These guys are seriously good offering a great live performance playing proper homegrown Rock ‘n’ Roll! A stonking finale for the 'Phill Friendly' Stage!
Sponsored by The Hertfordshire Music Service. www.myspace.com/theradars1
THE SINGH BROTHERS The Singh Brothers - 3 brothers Harbaljit Singh, Gurmeet Singh and Jagdarshan Singh – are one of the most up and coming groups from the Punjab region of North India. Currently touring the UK these Sikh spiritual singers will bring together some amazing Indian classical vocals and rhythms and will add yet a further spiritual dimension to the Festival and to the St Mary’s Church tent.
THE SUFI DRUMMERS The Sufi Drummers work their spectators and devotees into a frenzy and reminds us all of the Whirling Dervishes in Turkey. This group will use some traditional Sufi beats where they play known dhol beats of 4, 6 and 8 and they will also experiment with unusual cycles of 7 and 10 beats. Will include various other Indian drums like Tabla and Dholak. This is going to be a real treat.
THE WHYBIRDS The Whybirds are a rock ‘n’ roll / alternative country band from Bedford. The band recently released their self-titled debut album produced by Nick Mailing (The Quireboys). www.myspace.com/thewhybirds
THE WINTER KINGS Music that moves seamlessly from sparse emotion to waves of solid noise within the same song. The word 'epic' was invented for this band. The style is difficult to pin down- so fresh and original does it appear. The performance of vocalist Austin Kehoe with overtones of Bono and Tim Booth is nothing short of stunning.' www.myspace.com/thewinterkings
TOP HAT STAGE SCHOOL Holds weekly classes each Saturday in Stevenage for children aged 4 – 17 years of age interested in learning dance, drama and singing. www.tophatstageschool.co.uk
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