12 & 13 July 2008

Community Outreach Team
ROTW seeks to involve as wide a cross section of the community as possible particularly groups who do not feel included by existing community activities eg: elderly, disadvantaged youth, ethnic minorities, disabled and people with learning difficulties. Other groups could include: Scouts and Guides, schools, youth clubs, The Hitchin Ethnic Minorities Forum, the Rotary Club, Round Table, churches or any other organisation.
- Researching community groups that exist in the area.
- Inviting these groups to participate at ROTW through:- performance, artwork (Street Art Project),developing a new activity at the festival or helping to organise the festival.
- Nurturing new contacts and communicating with the committee to ensure they are effectively integrated into the festival.
- Working closely with the ROTW team, you will also feed back ways in which the festival can adapt so that it can reflect the aspirations of the community.
Matt Wyle t: 01462 434242 e: matt@matthewwyle.co.uk