Street Art has, over the past four or five years, become an integral element of each Rhythms festival. Who can forget the World's LArgest Dreamcatcher coerving Windmill Hill made by local schoolchildren from nothing more than netting and plastic bags? Or the street banners, totem poles, the colourful animals suspended over the river? And even one year, the Dancing Man suspended from a crane over Hitchin?
This year we aim to make the most of the new venue by displaying some of the art work from previous years added to by new projects.
One of this year's major projects, involving schol children from many of the local primary and secondary schools and adults from community groups, is the creation of 24 Stage Banners to adorn the principle stages. Made from bright florescent kite material, these simple but hugely effective banners will provide a bold and colourful setting for musicians and dancers from around th world. This year's theme is Music and Dance so expect to be dazzled by the banners in the July sunshine.
As part of our commitment to make a more positive approach to litter management (at the Festival but also more generally in our everyday lives), another major art project is the 'Feed Me Litter' bin project
This novel idea is based on those bright seaside boards where you and your friends put their heads through a cut out of a hole and everyone takes a photo of you as a jolly sailor, a lady in a skimpy bikini, or a muscle man. Well, this project takes that idea but rather than putting your head through the hole, the bright structure sits in front of rubbish containers and you 'feed' your litter through the holes.
Five local schools are dreaming up wacky, fun designs for these wooden structures which will no doubt be a piece of art work in their own right AND help support litter management on the festival site.